Are you Ready to Sell?

Selling your home can be a tough decision. If you have lived in your home for some time, there can be some emotional ties to your home. This is where your children have grown up, where you got married or where you found your career. Your thoughts can go back and forth with this decision. Making the best choice for you can take a bit of time and lots of thinking.

Here are few questions to ask yourselfin your decision on whether or not it is time to sell.

What is the Real Estate market like?

Before you decide to put your house on the market, make sure you have a good idea of how the Real Estate market is doing. If the market is dragging it's feet, it's probably a good sign that you should wait until it is flourishing once again and then put your home on the market.

Are you running out of living space?

Are you feeling that your home is too crowded and there isn't enough room for guests? Or maybe you are looking to have children and need more space. These are good reasons to consider selling your home and purchasing a home to better suit your needs. It is possible to "outgrow" your home.

Can you still afford your home?

Are you financially ready to take this leap? Go through all the costs and expenses of purchasing a new home such as the down payment, closing costs, fees and insurance. After you have gone through all the paperwork costs and know that you are financially ready, then you know this is one more sign that you may be ready to sell.

What does your equity look like?

See where your equity lies by having your home reappraised. Since the Real Estate market is back on track, many people that were looking at a negative equity are now looking at something a little more enticing!

Are there any emotional ties?

View your house as a money making product, not as the place where your beloved pet, Sammy, first wondered into the yard. If you are going to sell, it will make things much easier on you and your Real Estate professional if you have cut all ties and are prepared to make the move.

Which brings me to the advice about Real Estate Professionals...get one! I can't stress enough how important it is to hire a Real Estate professional that is knowledgeable, provides expert advice and will work for you! This alone will take a huge load off your shoulders.

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