Purchasing Real Estate in the Winter

Buying or selling a home in the winter may appear to be an incredulous task on the outside, but if done right, it could work in your favor.

Granted, most potential home buyers do not actively seek to purchase their new home in the winter. But if you find yourself with a new job or a new family member, and the situation calls for a home purchase, you may find that things aren't as bad out there as you may have suspected.

As a seller, it is important to remember that it only takes ONE serious buyer to purchase your home, and let's be honest, anyone out there looking to buy a home in 10 degree weather, has got to be serious. According to Sam Heskel, president of Nadlan Valuation, an appraisal firm in Brooklyn, "Sellers typically find that off-season buyers may be more focused and ready to buy a home."

As a buyer, searching for the perfect home in a less frenzied market certainly can have it's advantages. With less homes on the market, finding the right home can be potentially less stressful and give the buyer an upper hand in closing the deal, especially if the seller is eager.

Another advantage to seeking out a home to purchase during the winter months is being able to check out the quality of the heating and insulation of the home, how the basement holds up in the winter and where the sun is postitioned to help aid in the heating of the home.

As an added bonus, if you like the home in the winter,imagine how much you will love it in the summer!


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